We love to post about what we make here at NeedlePaint, and love even more when our projects get to their recipeients and they tell us about it!
Here is some of the recent feedback we’ve recieved: (New belt photos are below)
“So the secret is finally out! I was able to give my boyfriend his belt for Christmas and he loved it! He keeps referring to it as his “prized possession”! He also wants to know when I’m making him another one! … I think it turned out pretty good for my first needlepoint project! Thanks again for all your help!” Halie 2015-01-13
“I ordered two NeedlePaint belts for my sons this Christmas. They are in a word: AWESOME!”. Quality construction, and incredible attention to detail. They arrived right on time as promised. This is a gift they will enjoy for years and years! I highly recommend NeedlePaint. You won’t be disappointed. Thanks and happy holidays to everyone at NeedlePaint. Paul B. Rockville, MD” Paul – 2014-12-24
“The belt is amazing. Thank you so much, I will be sure to recommend you guys anytime anyone wants a custom needlepoint.” Cale 2014-12-29
“Thank you very much for the needlepoint canvas. It was a BIG success – my daughter loved it!” Cindy 2014-12-27
“The belt looked amazing and my boyfriend LOVES it! Thank you for all of your help.” Morgan 2015-01-08
“On Christmas Eve my Dad told me, ” You gave this belt to me a 365 days ago; I’ve probably worn it 350 days and gotten 300 compliments on it.” It is just the most meaningful gift.” Kathryn 2014-12-31
“The golf belt canvas arrived today, and it looks just great!” Sherry 2015-01-03
“Happy New Year. My girlfriend loved the canvas. She has shown it off dozens of times over the holidays.” Tom 2015-01-02
“Below is a picture of the Annie pillow. I just got it back toddy; their anniversary is tomorrow. I am delighted with the way it turned out. Thank you again for your help.” Ronda 2015-01-06 (I will post the picture of her pillow in a seperate blog post tomorrow!)
Onto the fun stuff, new needlepoint belts!

Lake Tahoe Needlepoint Belt (Avaliable in our shop)

Custom Sports Needlepoint Belts (UGA Campus Design is on Right)

Personalized Needlepoint Belts
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