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Archive for the ‘How to NeedlePoint’ Category

Photo To Needlepoint Stitched!

Check out the photo needlepoint canvas that one of our customers just finished!

This was done on 18 mesh, and the detail is amazing.  She used a stitch counted canvas, and you can see why I think our photo to needlepoint process really is the best way to stitch a photo.

That said, really it is the stitcher who should be congratulated for her work.  Nice work MJ!!!

(Click this link in case you missed the blog discussing the photo vs stitch counted needlepoint canvases)

photo to needlepoint portrait

The traveling group photo is below, and the finished needlepoint photo portrait is above, Amazing!

Hats are Fab! Add a Needlepoint Hat Band

Hats in France

Hats in France

Travel is fun. Sometimes it brings new creative ideas and other times it reinforces your own. On my recent trip to France, I was delighted to see that dressy summer hats were IN, and what was I working on but the two remaining hat bands shown in my recent blog.

Girl's Hat webSharktooth Hat 2 Web

I put the American Indian floral design on a hat for my 3-year-old granddaughter. The hat band was longer than needed so I overlapped the ends when sewing it on the hat. That way, as she grows I can change the band to a larger hat. This design makes me think of weddings. Imagine a summer wedding with bridesmaids and flower girls in straw hats with floral needlepoint hat bands!

The Hawaiian Shark Tooth tattoo custom needlepoint hat band went onto an adult straw western hat. The band was a little smaller than the large hat so I made an adjustable button closure with braided thread to match as shown in the detail below.

Sharktooth Hat Detail web

Photo Needlepoint Canvas Vs Stitch Counted Canvases

We posted about photo needlepoint canvases over a year ago, but last week I had a few orders come in where I thought the photo canvases would make more sense than a stitch counted canvas.

Here is a link to the post from last year:

But, I’m going to save you the time and repost the important differences so you know which options is the best for you.  Also, I have a new project that I took pictures of as a test, that I think really shows the difference well.  (see below)

Stitch Counted Canvases:  Our system has been developed to work best on photographs.  It groups similar colors together and matches them to the fiber you choose.  It creates a stitch counted design which  we print onto the canvas.  This means every stitch on the canvas has an exact color that is also shown on the stitch charts that come with every kit.  To see the stitch charts click here.  This works really well, and if you’ve seen some of the projects on this blog, you’ll know how good the stitch counted canvases look when finished.  Most of our customers prefer this option because they will know all the colors they need and can follow the canvas exactly.  Almost all of the pictures of canvases on this blog and on the website are stitch counted canvases.

Photo Needlepoint:  This works very well with graphic illustrations, like the artwork below.  If you are stitching a cartoon or a file with text, the letters will come out more clearly with a “photo” canvas.  ALSO, some of our customers prefer to have more detail on the canvas, and match the colors themselves.  The photo canvases will look more crisp than the stitch counted canvas.

If you prefer a photo canvas, just email us the photo when you place your order and we’ll make the adjustment for you.

Here is a good picture that shows the difference.  But, please keep in mind that the example below is a very small canvas, and the larger the size the better the stitch counted designs come out.

photo needlepoint on left vs stitch counted needlepoint on right

photo needlepoint on left vs stitch counted needlepoint on right

You can clearly see how the stitch counted canvas has lost some of the detail from the illustration.  This loss of detail does not happen nearly as much with photos of people or animals, but if we notice your design may be helped by doing a photo canvas, we will let you know.

If you want to needlepoint a photo, try creating the design on our website: and see how you like it.  If you want help, contact us and we’d be happy to assist.

How to Measure a Needlepoint Belt

We’ve really had a great time designing needlepoint belts this year.  One request we keep sending out is to show people how to measure a needlepoint belt.

I figured that we may as well write a blog post about this, so more people who are searching can learn how to measure a belt.

Actually, this was a mystery for me for a long time, as some companies belt sizes seem to vary from others, and I never understood why.

Basically, the key to figuring out a belt size, is to measure from the end of the belt (not the belt buckle – see left side marked A) to the center hole (see  right side marked B).  Click on the image below to see it more clearly.

How to measure a Needlepoint Belt

How to measure a Needlepoint Belt

This explains why some companies with longer metal buckles would have differences from belt size to belt size.

If you are stitching a custom needlepoint belt canvas and having it finished with leather belt ends, you’ll also want to know how much to stitch.

With our leather belt ends, you can calculate this by subtracting 8 inches from the belt size.  This is what we refer to as the visible area.  Then from here, we add two extra inches of background color to each side (the belt buckle will cover up this area).

Also, I’ve been going back and forth with finishers on a rolled edge vs using a binding stitch.  We have found a finisher who does not charge extra for doing a rolled edge, so it is a matter of preference.

Needlepoint Belt Binding Stitch

Needlepoint Belt Binding Stitch

Needlepoint Belt Rolled Edge

Needlepoint Belt Rolled Edge

If you prefer the rolled edge, then you will need to stitch two extra rows above and below the design, so the finisher can wrap the canvas under.

If you are looking for needlepoint belt ideas, check out our needlepoint belt canvas section, or have a look through our needlepoint belt blog posts.  If you have something else in mind, we’d be happy to design a custom belt canvas for you!

Needlepoint Photo Portraits

Stitchers are always looking for fun new projects, and boy do we have great ideas!

This week, I want to show off some of the photo needlepoint portraits that we’ve made recently.

You can see three of the canvases on our workshop table.


Photo Needlepoint Portraits and Other Fun Projects!

Photo Needlepoint Portraits and Other Fun Projects!

There is one important thing if you are creating a photo needlepoint project that these three have in common.  This is that each of these is a close up of a single face or upper body.  This allows you to really catch the detail of the subject and not worry about the background.  In some cases, you can get two people to come out as well as these, but most often a single subject is the best.

If you want help taking your photo to needlepoint, you can try our website and see the preview of your custom needlepoint canvas for free!

If you don’t like how the colors are coming out, or want help cropping or editing your photo, or even want help starting from scratch, you can contact us directly, and we’d be happy to assist.

Also note, we match every kit that is a portrait (both human and animal) to the photo.  So, if the colors seem a little off, don’t worry, we’ll adjust them.  Computers are great tools, but still no substitute for the human eye!


New Modern Needlepoint Pillow Designs!

We have added more needlepoint kits to our website including some modern needlepoint designs!

This one is a contemporary geometric pattern.  This Tulare needlepoint pillow design is inspired from a vintage furniture book showing chair textile patterns.  I have shown it in a smaller application on a seat cover below.  Also, check out the larger pattern on a pillow application!  This accent pillow would go beautifully on a white or tan bed coverlet or sofa.  It gives any room a excellent modern touch.

pattern in repeat

example of Tulare Pillow!

Quick Stitch Belle Noel Needlepoint Christmas Stocking Stitch Guide

Are you running out of time to finish multiple stockings this year?

If so, our Belle Noel Needlepoint Christmas Stocking collection may be just what you need.

Not only do they look great, but Peggy finished this stocking in just two weeks!

Long stiches cover the canvas quicker and give a 3-D texture to your stocking. The wool thread also adds to the textured appearance.

She completed the stocking in a flash using the Continental stitch for the name (white and green), the green and red bands, and the camel (red) and the long stiches shown below:

There are four christmas stockings in the collection, so everyone can get their own version.  Each design is available as a personalized needlepoint kit.

Belle Noel Oasis Personalized Needlepoint Stocking

Belle Noel Stitch Chart

Belle Noel Needlepoint Stocking Collection

Texture Stitches for Dog and Cat Needlepoint Kits

One of our customers wrote us recently, and was asking if we had any recommendations on good stitches to use on her dog needlepoint kit.

Luckily Peggy has some good ideas, and even created her own stitch which you can see below.  This is her reply, and as usual, her reference pages are from The Needlepoint Book by Jo Ippolito Christensen.  I thought that since we make so many dog and cat needlepoint kits, that this post would be a good one to share!

From Peggy:

Rabbit is done in Mosaic Checker (pg 215) form The Needlepoint Book. Additionally, the haunches are done with two different colors of thread which are very close in color. The Mosaic Checker in the book is shown with 2 contracting colors.

Greek stitch (p 270) in the Needlepoint Book works very nicely as well. I have done one part horizontal and the other vertical which would work well for different parts of the dogs body. Also you can do it diagonally for another variation. This is shown on p 270. And, two different tone of thread could be used here.

And, finally a 2 tone padded cross stitch. This is one that I came up with and a diagram is attached.

Needlepoint Rabbit with Textured Stitches

Greek Stitch

Padded Cross Stitch

Padded Cross Stitch Diagram

The No Tears Needlepoint Pillow

As I mentioned in my earlier post An Elegant Finished Edge, I had come up with a use for the odd-shapped design that we had designed for our first test custom needlepoint canvas. This 6″ x 7″ canvas is now the center piece of a 12′ x 12′  pillow  for my granddaughter’s nursery.

As you can see, this pillow does not have piping — the most difficult and frustrating part of needlepoing pillow finishing. Also, there is no zipper, no turning inside out, and IT IS EASY!  It is a modified pillow sham which fits over a 12″ x 12″ pillow form.

Materials for the pillow are:

  • 12″ x 12″ polyester-filled pillow
  • 1/2 yard 42″-45″ fabric
  • 1/4 yard Velcro (optional)
  • finished needlepoint canvas that is smaller than 12″ x 12″ and whose edges have been bound


  1. Cut one 18″ x 18″ front.
  2. Cut two 11″ x 18″ piece for left and right sides of back.
  3. Position finished needlepoint canvas in the center of the front. Stitch in place by machine using zig-zag stitch or by hand using an overcast slip stitch.
  4. Sew 2″ hem on left back side and narrow hem on right back side as shown below. (Optionally sew Velcro as shown.)
  5. Place left back over right back to create a 18″ x 18″ square.
  6. Fold under 1 3/4″ on all four sides of front and back and press with steam iron, mitering each corner.
  7. With wrong sides together, stitch around  1 1/4″ from the edge.
  8. Stuff pillow form into completed pillow sham.

This method works well for a casual cushion and especially well for a child’s pillow because the finished needlepoint can be easily removed and the pillow sham washed.

Bling for Needlepoint

I had a chance to work next to June McKnight a few weeks ago and listen in on some interesting needlepoint discussions.  One of the fun things that needlepointers have been doing more of lately is embellishing their needlepoint designs with “Bling”.

June is once again trying to help needlepointers by showing them how easy it is to spice up new projects in her new book titled (what else but…)  Bling – Glitz & Glamor for Needlepoint.  You can buy this book from your local needlepoint shop, or online at: BeStitched Needlepoint

This not only shows you how to use beads and drops with stitches, it also tells you where to get them.  Blinging works well on all types of needlepoint kits, including christmas!

You can see Peggy’s bling on her last needlepoint christmas stocking.

Peggy added some Needlepoint Bling to Christmas!