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Archive for the ‘How to NeedlePoint’ Category

At the Wedding – The Ring Bearer Pillow

One of our March Posts was Seth’s ring bearers pillow. I was out of town and he was going to take on the needlepointing himself. Well, running Needlepaint and wedding plans got the better of him and I returned in time to get it done.

Custom Needlepoint Ring Bearer Pillow

A Custom Needlepoint Ring Bearer Pillow

I stitched most of the needlepoint canvas with the continental stitch, and added a braided stitch to make the knot stand out and a tied stitch for the inner light blue boarder. It was fun!

With the stitching completed, I headed to the local fabric store for pillow backing, polyester filling, piping, and ties for the rings. Since the wedding was to be on the beach in Cape Cod. I opted a navy backing and piping. For a more formal indoor wedding I would probably have picked a white brocade or satin. I also spent a lot of time decided on what to use for the ring ties. I was sorely tempted to get metallic cord, but it was rough and easily unraveled. The this white polyester braid worked wonderfully and looked great. It was easy to untie lest the Best Man find himself entangled in unraveling, scratchy thread.

E-how has a good tutorial for how to finish your pillow. OR ADD FINISHING SERVICE………  PLEASE CONTACT US ABOUT  OUR CUSTOM NEEDLEPOINT PILLOW PRICES.

Needlepoint a Dog Collar for Man’s Best Friend

Looking for a small needlepoint project, consider making a dog collar. The needlepointing itself went quickly on a 1 in. x 17.5 inch, 18-point  needlepoint canvas and your choice of colors will allow you to match your dog’s personality.

After needlepointing the canvas, I blocked it, trimmed the excess canvas  leaving a ½ in. border, folded back the canvas, steamed it in place, and finished the edges with a binding or edge stitch. There are several binding techniques. The quickest is a loop stitch worked over the last completed row of needlepoint and the adjacent vacant row. But, the most elegant is the braided binding stitch shown in this video:Binding Stitch Video

The Neeplepoint kits come with thread and matching canvas.  Email us if you would like a Clip and D ring shown in the images.  Position the finished collar in the center of the polyester strap. There should be 6 inches on each side of the collar. Sew in collar in place. Insert the left end of the strap into the side of the buckle with a single bar. Adjust so that the finished needlepoint is snug with the face of the buckle. Sew through all thicknesses as close to the buckle as possible. Side the D-ring onto the collar and position approximately 2 inches from where the collar is attached to the buckle. Sew through all thickness on each side of the D-ring.

The other side of the buckle can be adjustable when threaded as shown below. Optionally it can also be sewn making the collar a fixed size.

Social Websites for Needlepoint

Do you like to share your needlepoint works of art with others?  Then the internet is the perfect place for you.  There are lots of websites now were stitchers can share their projects, needlepoint photos, and discuss new needlepoint ideas!

We’ve been looking and sharing and discussing and have come up with a list of a few of our favorites:  If your favorite site is not listed, please list it in the comments section or contact us.

Our list is broken into 2 parts, one is for Sharing, one is for Learning and Looking.


Sharing:  – This website has about 650 group members only focused on Needlepoint.  It is great because it allows people to easily add their own photos and talk about them. – this network is based out of the UK but has over 3000 very active members – with over 200,000 members, look for the needlework portion of this group –


Learning and Looking: – Cheryl Fall keeps her eyes open for great needlepoint as well as offering free stitch charts every week! – Janet Perry has been keeping the most up to date website covering topics that will keep beginners and experts busy for months. – Denise Felton keeps readers coming back by posting beautiful needlework every day.



The biggest social network in the world is a great place to connect and share your passion for stitching!

Many of the sites above also have Facebook pages including NeedlePaint.



There are so many needlepoint blogs, if you look at the links on right side of

How to Design a Needlepoint Canvas

Do you want a unique needlepoint canvas that has special meaning for you or the person you are making it for?  Creating custom needlepoint canvases has never been easier.  There are some great websites out there explaining how to paint a needlepoint canvas.  But, if you are interested in designing your own canvas and then having someone else make it for you, then you should read this.

Basically, allows users to design a needlepoint canvas online, and preview the design before placing an order.  Please note, our canvases are not hand painted, as we find that we can get more accurate photo details using digital artwork than doing it by hand.

Step One – Pick a Design and Idea

Hopefully if you found this blog, you already have something in mind.  If you want more needlepoint design ideas please review our entire blog.

Our most ordered designs are: Dogs, Cats, Kids and Houses.  Other favorites are:  Needlepoint Ring Bearer Pillows and Needlepoint Kindle Covers

Really any artwork or photo will work, as long as it is saved as a .jpg, .png or .gif file on your computer.  If you have a photo that is not yet digital you can go to a local copy store and have them scan it and save it for you, or you can mail it to us.  If you want us to help do the digital artwork for you, please contact us.

Step Two – Select the size and product you want to make

For most photo’s, you may not want to stitch the entire image, but the exact size is not important.  The key is to get close in on the subject, especially if the canvas is smaller than 10″ x 10″.

If you are making a pillow, kindle cover, or other “functional” type needlepoint project, you will want to be sure to make your image the right scale to fit exactly to your project.  An example: if you are making a 12 x 12 pillow, then you will want to be sure your image is square.  If you are making a Kindle Cover, then you will want your image to be 6″ high, and 2″ wide or an equally proportioned size so the needlepoint canvas will be 18″ x 6″.

Step Three – Cropping your Artwork

iPhoto Edit Option

OK, so you have a photo, but you don’t want to stitch all the background, or you have an exact size you want to design.  In many of the photo viewing software, there is a Crop feature.  This will allow you to select only the part of the image you want on your canvas.

***In the example below we actually did a 12″ x 16″ rectangle.  This means that we need to be sure we use a rectangle of around 3″ x 4″.

Cropping in iPhoto

Step Four – Uploading your Design

Once you have the image ready, you can go to to create your custom needlepoint canvas.

Upload your image to

Now you can see your own design in Needlepoint!  You will automatically be taken to our “Stitched Preview” which shows an approximation of how your canvas will look once you stitch it.  There are many adjustments on this page, please read below, we will explain each.

Stiched Needlepoint Preview 12" x 16" Husky

Canvas Options

Mesh Count:  This is a very important feature.  18 mesh will show more details, but has many more holes per inch (324 holes to stitch vs 196 stitches in 14 mesh).  If you are doing a smaller canvas, 18 mesh will help capture more detail from your photo.  (We also are able to supply 8, 10, and 12 mesh, but these need to be special ordered).

Design Size:  Here you can select your height or width.  Please note, this will keep the exact same proportions as your original photo, if you want to adjust it, please go back and read the “Step Three – Cropping Your Artwork” section in this blog.

Advanced Options:  This allows you to order a larger canvas.  Normally or canvases include 1″ of extra canvas on all sides, but if you want more blank canvas, you need make the adjustment here.

Thread Colors:  Another very important feature allows you to select the number of colors you will use on your needlepoint project.  We suggest reducing the number of colors as much as possible to make it easier to stitch but where it still looks good.  If you are very experienced needlepointer, have lots of floss hanging around, and don’t mind using lots of colors, than by selecting a high number of colors, you will get more details onto the canvas.  To adjust the color, click the line on the right or left of the bar.

Thread Type:  You can also adjust the type of threads.  Since we match digital colors to real floss colors, the DMC and Presencia will show different results in the preview.  DMC is often better for images of people because there are a lot more flesh tone colors to pick from.  (If you are ordering floss from us, you will also notice that fewer colors is less expensive).  Please note, we do not supply wool, as the color options are very limited, but it can be used on any project.

Click Finish to see pricing.  You can also view our price chart before uploading an image if you want approximate pricing details.

Personalized Needelpoint Chrismas Stocking

It is never too early to start planning for Christmas particularly if there are several little ones in your family. There are nine little ones in my extended family circle, and each now has his or her custom needlepoint Chirstmas stocking printed by Needlepaint and lovingly stitched by me.

I had some assistance from Needlepaint’s designer, who created two designs to which I could add the individual names. (Luckily there are only 2 little ones per family and they live in different parts of the world.)

My first two stockings were stitched with the traditional Continental  Stitch. After that I got creative and used a variety of different stiches as shown in the completed stocking below.

To finish the stockings, I lined the canvas with red cotton and then made the back of the stock out of red wool cut on the bias so there was some give to allow for more goodies to be stuffed in by Santa.

These design are available on our Etsy NeedlePaint Shop and can be customize with your name(s) on the checkout page. Please limit names to 12 letters. Stocking design is printed on Zweigart Mono 14 point , and is 16” x 10.25″.

And more designs are coming soon!

Cat Needlepoint Pillow from a Photo

I worked with Susan Segalla a few months ago, to resize two of her photos of her kats (Josie and Tinker) to make into 12 x 12 needlepoint cat pillows.  She ordered two needlepoint canvases.  We discussed removing the background, but she thought it would be no problem for her to stitch over it.  See the image below, it was 10″ high, but we changed the “Advanced Settings” so the canvas would be 14 x 14.

The Cat's (Josie) Image on the Canvas

Advanced Canvas Options

Look how great Susan’s pillow looks!  She found a great brown rope trim, and matching faux sweud backing, but the other thing I love are the whiskers!  She made them from paint brush bristles.  If you are looking to make a needlepoint pillow, Peggy wrote a blog about needlepoint pillows that would be good to read.

cat needlepoint pillow

Josie the Cat in Needlepoint

Do you have any good links for making pillow’s for other stitchers? Please add your links in the comments to this post!

Cat Needlepoint Pillow

The finished Cat Needlepoint Pillow


Needlepoint Kindle Covers Revisted

After finishing my first e book cover, I sat down with my Needlepaint partners to discuss design and construction. Assembling the first cover was not so simple as it could have been. Voila! We came up with a simple to assemble design which used the magnets in the Nook box as closures.

For this second Nook cover, the Needlepoint canvas was 5-1/2” by 18” designed by one of our partners and far more intricate than my previous. I had fun needlepointing this canvas as I could use lots of different stitches.

Needlepaint Design

Once stitched and blocked, I cut the black cotton lining material to 6-1/2” by 20”, which includes a ½” seam allowance on the sides and a 1” allowance on the ends.

Lining template

With right sides together, sew the lining and needlepoint canvas together along last row of thread. This should leave an approximate 1” seam allowance on the lining. Trim canvas to ½” , turn, and fold along seam line. Place magnets as shown on template above and stitch around each to hold them in place.

Magnet Placement

With magnets in place and work turned to right side, sew side seams along finished end of the canvas. Trim to ¼” and bind with matching bias tape.


Finished Cover Side1


Finished Cover Side2


There are many variations which one could make to this sleek cover:

  • Replace the bias tape with a fancy braid — my suggestion which was overruled by my Needlepaint partner who will be using the cover.
  • Add handle which my 93-year old mother is convinced is essential.
  • Eliminate the bias binding by making the Needlepaint canvas 1/2″ wider. Fold canvas in half width-wise with wrong side showing. Sew side seams, trim to 1/4″, and turn. Repeat for lining, but do not turn. Fold lining over 1″ to the outside and place magnet or other closure option. Insert lining into Needlepaint cover and sew linig to canvas.

If your e-reader is not a Nook and you don’t have magnets, the closure could also be made with Velcro which is available in several different colors and as self-adhesive or sew-on varieties.

Create your own custom needlepoint cover at !

Making Embroidery Floss Stitch Evenly in Needlepoint

6 Strand Embroidery Floss

We recently had an issue with 6 strand cotton embroidery floss that I think others may find helpful.

A customer told me that they felt the embroidery floss we supply with our needlepoint kits was ‘messy’.  After doing some research (they called the shop owner a Phoenix Needlepoint) they found that if you pull apart the 6 strands, then run them back together in a strait line that the stitches are much neater.

I’ve not heard this before, but I checked with Peggy, and she mentioned that she does something similar.

“After I cut the thread to a 12-15 inch length, I always run it through my fingers to get any twists out of it. This makes it lay flat and even.”

“The other issue might be the direction in which she is doing the stitch. You want whenever possible to bring your thread from the back to the front in a hole that does not already have thread in it…then you go from front to back into the hole with thread. If you come from the back in a hole with thread there is drag on your thread which can cause irregularity.”

How to Needlepoint The Ring Bearer Pillow

I’ve made a custom needlepoint kit for my wedding!  It came out well, you can see the preview of the stitched canvas I uploaded last week.  The letters were a bit fuzzy, but after looking at the canvas, these will be easy to do.

Custom Ring Bearer Pillow Stitched Preview

The NeedlePaint needlepoint kits include all the floss, stitch guide, and needle.

Ring Bearer Needlepoint Kit

So, where does a beginner start?  I’ve been wanting to learn needlepoint, and this is a great reason to start.  What I’ve found are some great instructional pages and videos!

I started at About Needlepoint and came across Susan Battle’s how to needlepoint videos.  The videos are a much easier starting place for me, as Peggy is out of town, and I don’t have anybody to walk me through counted stitch guides.

The continental stitch will be perfect for doing all the sides and boarders, so I’ll start there and update the blog with as much helpful information for beginners or people who have not stitched in a long while.