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Archive for the ‘Needlepoint Belts’ Category

Friday Favorites Needlepoint Canvases from Photos and Custom Belts

OK, so I am a day late, but these are some pictures I took of needlepoint canvases from photos and custom needlepoint belt canvases that we made yesterday and I thought looked great!

Needlepoint Canvases from Photos

Needlepoint Canvases from Photos

Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvas

Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvas

DMC Needlepoint Thread (embroidery floss)

DMC Needlepoint Thread (embroidery floss)



Mountain Needlepoint Belt

We had a request a few weeks back to design a custom needlepoint belt of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

I started out a little doubtful that this would come out well, but thought it was worth a try.  It came out looking fantastic!

Below are previews of the blue ridge mountains needlepoint belt kit and the green mountain belt.

I may have to make one of these for myself!  (and I’m already planning a dog collar for our dog  🙂

Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt

Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt

Green Mountain Needlepoint Belt

Green Mountain Needlepoint Belt

A Life's Treasurers Canvas and the Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt Canvas

A Life’s Treasurers Canvas and the Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt Canvas



Nautical Sailing Needlepoint Belt

Check out this fantastic needlepoint belt design.

The nautical sailing needlepoint belt features an anchor, captain’s wheel, seagull, sailboat, and a compass rose.

The colors and background colors can be changed.  And add a yacht club burgee or a monogram to this custom needlepoint design free of charge!

Nautical Sailing Needlepoint Belt

Nautical Sailing Needlepoint Belt

If you are interested in purchasing a finished belt instead of a needlepoint kit, please contact us.

Friday Favorites Needlepoint Photo Canvases

It is friday, so I wanted to share a photo of some of our favorite needlepoint canvases we made this week!

I took a close up of the cat needlepoint canvas and the needlepoint belt canvases, the mountain belt is our latest design that will go up on the website next week!  Sorry the pictures are a bit dark, but I think you’ll enjoy them!  Happy stitching!

Friday Favorites -The Workshop Table - Custom Needlepoint Canvases

Friday Favorites -The Workshop Table – Custom Needlepoint Canvases

Cool Cat Needlepoint Canvas

Cool Cat Needlepoint Canvas



A Life's Treasurers Canvas and the Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt Canvas

A Life’s Treasurers Canvas and the Blue Ridge Mountains Needlepoint Belt Canvas

New Football Needlepoint Belt Design

Fall is here, and football teams have already begun their training camps.

Now is time time to show team support and stitch a custom needlepoint football belt.

The Football Needlepoint Belt design features a repeating football, but the possibilities don’t stop there.

Also included in the price is a monogram, and 1 team logo that can be repeated with the football.  The colors can be changed to match the teams colors.  Got a favorite number, we can put that in, too.  So why not order a custom needlepoint canvas?

If you’re looking to purchase a needlepoint belt, we’ve got stitchers, so contact us for pricing!

Football Needlepoint Belt Preview

Football Needlepoint Belt Preview

Argyle is great for a Preppy Needlepoint Belt

Two new needlepoint belt canvas designs have been added to our shop.

These two preppy belts use an argyle pattern inspired by this years remake of the classic, The Great Gatsby.

If you’re on the fence, maybe a little quote from the preppy blog Unabasheldy Prep will help inspire you!

“According to the 80s-penned Official Preppy Handbook, the needlepoint belt is a “must accessory for the collegiate B.M.O.C. (big man on campus)”…

Hopefully the part in their blog about the timing and relationships is not the norm, I know a lot of our customers have been able to finish the belts in a matter of weeks!


Preppy Blue Argyle Needlepoint Belt

Preppy Blue Argyle Needlepoint Belt

Green Argyle Needlepoint Belt Preview

Green Argyle Needlepoint Belt Preview


Hunting and Fly Fishing Needlepoint Belts

We’ve done a few flies on custom needlepoint belts recently, but per request we finally created a dedicated fly fishing needlepoint belt design.

This design features a lot of color variations of clouser minnow flies and a fly rod.

Now, if you’ve got another fly(s) that you or a person (whom you’re kind enough to be stitching a belt for) happens to use different flies, just let us know and we’ll create a custom needlepoint design just for you!

Below the needlepoint belt preview you will see the fly fishing and bird hunting canvases we made last week, both came out really well!

Fly Fishing Needlepoint Belt

Fly Fishing Needlepoint Belt


Bird Hunting and Fly Fishing Needlepoint Belt Canvases

Bird Hunting and Fly Fishing Needlepoint Belt Canvases

Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvases to Inspire

Have you thought about stitching a custom needlepoint belt?

Well, in case you were on the fence or are a follower of our blog, I just had to take a picture of the needlepoint canvases we made last week.

From Surf Boards to Hotty Toddy, we’re happy to help create a special design just for you.  Each canvas comes printed but also includes a counted stitch guide to help in the tricky details.

Life's Treasures Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvases

Life’s Treasures Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvases

How to Measure a Needlepoint Belt

We’ve really had a great time designing needlepoint belts this year.  One request we keep sending out is to show people how to measure a needlepoint belt.

I figured that we may as well write a blog post about this, so more people who are searching can learn how to measure a belt.

Actually, this was a mystery for me for a long time, as some companies belt sizes seem to vary from others, and I never understood why.

Basically, the key to figuring out a belt size, is to measure from the end of the belt (not the belt buckle – see left side marked A) to the center hole (see  right side marked B).  Click on the image below to see it more clearly.

How to measure a Needlepoint Belt

How to measure a Needlepoint Belt

This explains why some companies with longer metal buckles would have differences from belt size to belt size.

If you are stitching a custom needlepoint belt canvas and having it finished with leather belt ends, you’ll also want to know how much to stitch.

With our leather belt ends, you can calculate this by subtracting 8 inches from the belt size.  This is what we refer to as the visible area.  Then from here, we add two extra inches of background color to each side (the belt buckle will cover up this area).

Also, I’ve been going back and forth with finishers on a rolled edge vs using a binding stitch.  We have found a finisher who does not charge extra for doing a rolled edge, so it is a matter of preference.

Needlepoint Belt Binding Stitch

Needlepoint Belt Binding Stitch

Needlepoint Belt Rolled Edge

Needlepoint Belt Rolled Edge

If you prefer the rolled edge, then you will need to stitch two extra rows above and below the design, so the finisher can wrap the canvas under.

If you are looking for needlepoint belt ideas, check out our needlepoint belt canvas section, or have a look through our needlepoint belt blog posts.  If you have something else in mind, we’d be happy to design a custom belt canvas for you!

Bird Hunting Custom Needlepoint Belt

We had a request to modify our whiskey and gunpowder needlepoint belt for a bird hunter, and it came out so well, I had to put it in the shop!

The Bird Hunting Needlepoint Belt includes: diamond shape monogram, a shotgun (this one is a baretta), a pheasant, quail, dove, a black and white english setter, and a shotgun shell.

Not all people hunt the same birds, so if you want a custom needlepoint design, you can enter the changes in the notes field of your order.  We will email you a preview of your belt before we make it.

What kind of needlepoint belt do you want to stitch?

Custom Bird Hunting Needlepoint Belt Canvas

Custom Bird Hunting Needlepoint Belt Canvas