Merry Christmas, Isaac and Alex – Needlepoint Stockings!
The stocking are ready for Santa with time to spare. The finishing touches on Alex’s stocking were:
- Silver buttons, blue eyes, and a read nose for the snowman
- A red glass bead nose for Rodolf and bead eyes for all the reindeer
- A blue glass bead eye for little penguin.
On Isaac’s stocking I added:
- Glass bead eyes for the penguin
- A mouth for the ginger bread man out red glass beads stung together
- Glass bead eyes for Santa
- Large red beads for the holly berries on the Santa’s airplane
Each needlpoint piece is with light-weight cotton cut on the bias and then the back of each is wool, also cut on the bias. Both are trimmed with gold braid.
To see more about the stitches I chose, click here, here, and here
And click here to see more personalized needlepoint stocking designs!
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