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Posts tagged ‘diy christmas ornaments’

Eleven Pipers Piping and Twelve Drummers Drumming Christmas Needlepoint

By: Peggy Bond

Day 11, Eleven Pipers Piping

The Day 11 and 12 blocks have many of the same stitches used in the previous one. The Shingle Stitch background – my favorite – also reappears.

Eleven Pipers Piping Christmas Needlepoint

Eleven Pipers Piping Christmas Needlepoint

Day 11 Blog


Day 12, Twelve Drummers Drumming

The background for the drum is a new one – Marble Inlay which is diagramed below.

Twelve Drummers Drumming Christmas Needlepoint

Twelve Drummers Drumming Christmas Needlepoint

Day 12 Blog

The Marble Inlay stitch was patterned from a 14th century Italian marble mosaic at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and in the Baptistry of the Cathedral in Florence.

Marble Inlay.fw

Done at last! On to finishing touches…


Nine Ladies Dancing and Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

By: Peggy Bond

Day 9, Nine Ladies Dancing

The Dancing Lady is stitched with 9 traditional stitches, none of which require explanation.

Nine Ladies Dancing Christmas Needlepoint

Nine Ladies Dancing Christmas Needlepoint

Day 9 Blog

Let her smile keep you happy while stitching.


Day 10, Ten Lords A-Leaping

The leaping lord has a few different twists. His hair is done in French knots with 3 twists per stitch. It took me a couple of tries to get them correctly placed to give him a full head of hair. Not noted on the diagram is that the flower and leaves are done in Continental and the center of the flower is another French knot. 

Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

Day 10 Blog

‘Tis the Season for Needlepoint Christmas Ornaments

Christmas is still 4 months away, but it is never too early to begin that special needlepoint gift – a personalized needlepoint Christmas ornament. My new design was inspired by metallic threads and a shimmering gold fabric I saw at JoAnn’s.

The needlepoint canvas section is a  2.5 x 10 inch band to done in a variety of stiches selected from one of my favorite reference books, Jo Ippolito Christensen’s The Needlepoint Book.

  • Red ornament – horizontal brick stitch
  • Green ornament – diagonal plait stitch
  • Yellow ornament – slanted Gobelin variation
  • Light blue ornament – vertical beaty
  • Pink ornament – Parisian stripe with 2 shades of pink
  • Orange ornament – Byzantine stitch
  • Dark blue ornament – pavilion diamonds
  • Background – reversed mosaic
  • Lettering and ornament tops – continental stitch

The finished canvas is sewn onto a 6 x 11 inch piece of fabric. (Layout is shown below.) Trim the canvas, leaving a ½ inch edge and fold under as shown below. I got carried away with trim and used a 1/8- inch gold ribbon. (If you don’t use a narrow ribbon for trim, the canvas should be bound as described in my blog on Needlepoint Napkin Rings.)

Sew narrow hem at bottom of the fabric and place trim at top. (Optionally the top can be finished with a narrow hem.) With right sides together sew the 6-inch edges of the ornament together along the end of the worked needlepoint. Trim seam to ¼ inch and turn.

Gather the bottom tightly to close and stuff the ornament with a polyester fill or other light weight filler.

Gather top, attach a hanger, and a bow at the bottom. Your Christmas ornament is ready to hang for 2011 and for many more holiday seasons to come!