Labor day is here, and while it is sad to see summer coming to a close, we’re feeling very blessed and happy to help design more great new needlepoint projects.
Here is some feedback from our customers last week:
“My needlepoint came this afternoon. It looks awesome. Hopefully I don’t mess it up too badly. Thanks for all of your help.” Lynette 8-25-2014
“Loved my belts They were on my doorstep today” Becky 8-25-2014
“I love them~!” Anna 8-25-2014
“I have finished the canvas and love how it came out. Thanks for your help!” Margo 8-24-2014
Before we get to the Christmas ideas, I want you to see the new fish we designed for needlepoint belts this week. They are amazing!
If you love to fish, let us know your favorites and we can do a custom needlepoint belt design for you! Available as DYI needlepoint kit or as a fully stitched needlepoint belt.

Amazing Fishing Needlepoint Belts and More
Onto the Christmas Needlepoint ideas.

Georgia Bulldogs Christmas Needlepoint

Christmas Stocking and Vintage Santa Needlepoint Canvases
Below are some fun kids projects we did, we can personalize the rainbow to any name!

Kids Rainbow and Balloons Needlepoint Canvases
The Pomeranian needlepoint canvas is available in shop, click the following link to see more needlepoint dogs!

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