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Posts tagged ‘frog belt’

Finding Needlepoint Belt Design Inspiration In Unlikely Places

With the warmer weather upon us, we definitely take notice of the living creatures that have been missing all winter; only to have made new homes and habitats in our backyards. Some of these creatures are sweet and friendly; the rabbit that likes to eat your flowers. Some annoying; the wasps that have made a new nest in your wind chime. And some . . . we’ve just never seen in our backyard before. This month at NeedlePaint, we’ve taken inspiration from nature, and have created two new needlepoint belts canvases. 

gecko belt blog

Our first new creation is the Southwestern Gecko needlepoint belt canvas; inspired by a sighting in my own backyard, and from some ancient cliff dwelling drawings. We’ve added a modern southwestern color twist to this gecko who runs along the length of our needlepoint belt. These gecko’s are clever, and secretive, and famous for climbing sheer vertical surfaces, walking up a wall, or hanging from the ceiling. What’s not to love about this lizard.

frog blog

Another NeedlePaint nature inspired creation, is our Green Frog needlepoint belt canvas. Jumping across the length of this belt, who doesn’t have a vivid childhood memory of trying to catch that one elusive frog at the nearby pond or ditch. Too bad Mom, wouldn’t let you keep him! 

These belts are both colorful, both playful, both great for young and old. Available as a belt canvas you can stitch yourself, or a completely finished belt. This is the perfect sized needlepoint project to take on a vacation; it’s smaller, more manageable, and will fit into your carry-on, or in your car’s glove box.

We hope that you enjoy your summer, and embrace what nature has to offer. Even if it’s not cute and fuzzy!


A “never seen before” visitor to my back yard . . . design inspiration!