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Posts tagged ‘Needlepoint Christmas canvas’

Nine Ladies Dancing and Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

By: Peggy Bond

Day 9, Nine Ladies Dancing

The Dancing Lady is stitched with 9 traditional stitches, none of which require explanation.

Nine Ladies Dancing Christmas Needlepoint

Nine Ladies Dancing Christmas Needlepoint

Day 9 Blog

Let her smile keep you happy while stitching.


Day 10, Ten Lords A-Leaping

The leaping lord has a few different twists. His hair is done in French knots with 3 twists per stitch. It took me a couple of tries to get them correctly placed to give him a full head of hair. Not noted on the diagram is that the flower and leaves are done in Continental and the center of the flower is another French knot. 

Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

Ten Lords A-Leaping Christmas Needlepoint

Day 10 Blog