Tooth Fairy Approved Needlepoint Pillows and Kits!
With a fun modern twist, NeedlePaint’s fresh new tooth fairy needlepoint pillow designs are sure to delight your child and the tooth fairy! It is believed that if a lost baby tooth is placed under the child’s pillow at bedtime, the tooth fairy will replace it with some sort of treasure before the child awakens in the morning. There is always great anticipation to see what has been left! Available as needlepoint canvases that you can stitch yourself, or as fully finished needlepoint pillows.

Tooth Fairy Monkey Needlepoint Pillow Kit
He swings from tree to tree, with an ear to ear smile! He’ll go the extra mile to include a thoughtful note, generously thanking the tooth fairy for the treat she left last night!

Tooth Fairy Shark Needlepoint Pillow Kit
My smile is big, my smile is bright and the most lovely shade of white.
I’m really not so frightening, and the tooth fairy finds my teeth quite a delight!

Tooth Fairy Princess Needlepoint Pillow Kit
She’s flying smoothy through the night, carrying that large tooth you left for her tonight!

Tooth Fairy Alligator Needlepoint Pillow Kit
This friendly alligator shows off her big pearly whites,
and is hoping for good tidings from the tooth fairy tonight!

Tooth Fairy Beaver Needlepoint Pillow Kit
My what big front teeth I have! But with one gone missing,
it’s time to rest, and wait for another day to build my next home.

Tooth Fairy Needlepoint Pillow Kit
Underneath this pillow, you’ll find a teeny, tiny tooth of mine.
I placed it there for you to keep.
Please leave me a gift while I’m asleep!
We would love to help with all of your needlepoint needs.
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Tooth Fairy approved needlepoint designs!
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