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Posts tagged ‘needlepoint wool’

Waverly Needlepoint Wool Custom Needlepoint Kits

If you have been on our website today, you will notice three changes.

#1.  We now offer Waverly needlepoint wool for our custom needlepoint kits.  This is a 3 ply wool that is similar to Paternayan.  The main difference with Waverly, is that all three plys are the same thickness.  It is made by the Brown Sheep Company right next door in Nebraska.  The wool is actually raised in our home state of Colorado!

Waverly Needlepoint Wool

Waverly Needlepoint Wool

#2.  10 and 12 mesh canvas are available on our online needlepoint designer. (see below)

#3.  The maximum needlepoint canvas size is no longer 13 x 19 inches, we’ve increased the maximum size to 40 inches wide!

This is brand new and we are still testing it, so if you encounter any problems, please email us.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

Needlepoint Canvas Mesh Count