Listing for a made-to-order needlepoint kit ready to ship in about a week
Also available as a finished wallet
Republican Needlepoint Wallet

Republican Needlepoint Wallet Kit


personalize this wallet:

If personalized, a design proof will be created before stitching and emailed to you for your approval.


18 per inch
11 x 5.5 inches
9 x 3.5 inches
DMC Embroidery Floss

Kit Information

Stitch Guide

Your order will include the needlepoint design printed on high-quality Zweigart mono deluxe canvas.   We will also send you a printed color aid and stitch guides for your canvas to aid in your stitching.  

This is a listing for a needlepoint kit. A do-it-yourself needlepoint canvas where you do the stitching. Does not include finishing materials.

Hand-picked DMC Embroidery Floss is optional with your kit.

About this Design

A familiar icon, we've all seen it and know what it means. With origins going back to 1874, Thomas Nast a cartoonist at the time, made political statements in "Harpers Weekly". In one cartoon he featured an elephant representing the republican party and that image is still used today. Stitch our Republican needlepoint wallet canvas and show your true colors. Be sure to let us know what monogram you would like to use. (DMC embroidery floss is optional, does not include leather, ask us about our leather finishing service.)